It seems like many women are struggling with the same thing.
They say they are eating healthy but still aren’t seeing any weight loss results.
They claim that their diet is almost perfect but they do not lose any weight.
Why is that?
In this article I will talk about why you aren’t losing weight even though you say your diet is perfect.
There can be a few reasons why you aren’t getting the results and in this article I will reveal them to you.
Top Reasons Why You Cannot Lose Weight Even Though You Eat Healthy
Your diet is not as good as you think it is
Your definition of a healthy weight loss diet might not be the kind of diet that is effective.
In this day and age we got so many food choices.
There is also a lot of misinformation.
Some companies claim that their foods will help you to stay healthy and lose weight even though they are simply bad.
This is especially true for:
- Fruit juices
- Cereals
- Musli products
- Yogurt
- Dried fruits
- Granola bars
- Energy drinks
- Agave
- and the list goes on and on.
These products are labeled as healthy.
Turns out they contain a whole lot of sugar and as we all know that is BAD for weight loss.
That is however not the only problem I see with the diet of most women.
A problem I see a lot of times in the diet of women is the lack of protein and too many carbs.
Even though they might not be eating “unhealthy” they are not eating right for weight loss.
Their protein consumption is too low and their diet inconsistent.
Eating healthy and eating to lose weight are totally different things.
You could eat McDonalds and lose weight (Yes It has been done) , but that doesn’t make it healthy.
So realise that eating healthy and eating for weight loss are not the same things.
However you can combine them and both eat healthy and eat to lose weight.
Want to learn how to do that?
You can get my step by step weight loss meal plan for free.
[thrive_2step id=’1594′]Click here to access it for free[/thrive_2step]
Your Diet is perfect so what could be wrong?
So we’ve now talked about the women that thought their diet was good but in fact it was not that good at all.
What about the women that actually have a good diet, the ones that are doing everything right but still don’t get results?
The women that eat chicken breast, veggies, fish, eggs, brown rice and sweet potatoes everyday but still don’t get any results.
What I’ve noticed is that when you keep track of your diet and write everything you eat down, we see what is wrong.
Many women that think their diet is perfect forget that they had a bottle of wine over the weekend, ate a desert and had chips.
Even though their diet might we overall good, they are still not eating good consistent enough to lose weight.
When losing weight consistency is key.
A weight loss diet depends on consistency, you have to be able to keep on track.
I’m not saying that 1 cheat meal will ruin results.
But if you are eating junk food or unhealthy snacks too often you simply will not lose weight.
So What Can I do To Lose Weight ?
First take a deep breath and relax.
Losing weight is actually very simple.
However it requires hard work and consistency.
You must eat right consistently for a certain period of time in order to lose fat.
That’s all that is required.
Of course diet is king, so your top priority should always be to keep your diet as good as you can.
Second thing you may want to do for faster results is some kind of exercise.
Exercise is good for our heart, lungs and boosts the metabolic rate of the body.
Which makes us burn off more calories and lose weight faster.
Proper sleep is also important, so make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
So it’s actually very simple:
1.Keep your diet healthy clean, follow a diet that is designed towards your goals. If it is weight loss you can get my diet for free:
[thrive_2step id=’1594′]Click here to access it for free[/thrive_2step]
2. Exercise everyday, it is good for out health and helps us burn off more calories.
3. Sleep at least 8 hours every night.
It doesn’t get easier than this.
**Bonus Tip**
Did you know that you can easily increase your fat burning potential?
Certain vitamins and supplements on can help us to:
- Increase the metabolism
- Block fat production
- Reduce hunger cravings
- Help us burn more calories
If you are following a good diet and training regularly you may want to add some of these supplements into your diet.
As we all know supplements are no magic pills but they can provide us with that little extra boost that can make a difference.
See my top 3 favourite fat burning supplements in my article by clicking here.
Final Words:
Remember that weight loss is a journey.
It takes serious commitment to get exceptional results.
Give it time, it can take up to 2-4 weeks to notice results even though you work very hard!
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