OMG! I just could not believe it….. In this Leanbean review I uncovered some SHOCKING stuff…
So if you’re a girl that wants to lose unwanted body fat to reveal you sexy curves, stick around:
I’m Emma Smith and this is my HONEST, and probably one of the best Leanbean female fat burner reviews.
Most likely you’re being bombarded with photos of HOT supermodels and reality TV stars on your Instagram feed every day. If you’re secretly craving a body to match them, you could possibly benefit from a good fat burner supplement.
What is Leanbean?
Leanbean is a diet pill with a difference…
It was voted the #1 supplement in our complete guide to best fat burners for women.
This natural fat burner has been formulated for the female body. It’s a fat fighting product that has all the best ingredients to help shift the flab.
So why is Leanbean better for women?
Lots of people claim there’s no difference between male and female fat burners…
Well that’s simply not accurate:
If you’re a woman then you break down fat differently to the men in your life.
That’s the truth!
As a result, there’s some ingredients in modern fat burners that work better for us girls.
The main features to keep an eye out for in a fat burner for women:
- Natural ingredients that prevent cravings – a primary reason for weight gain in women
- Low stimulant alternatives to caffeine – burn calories without jitters
- Natural ingredients to balance out your body – get on top of toxic weight gain
- Vegan friendly ingredients – 8 out of 10 vegans are women
And if you want to know what else you can expect. Here’s some of the main plus points of good female fat burner:
- Burn fat faster and uncover your dream tummy.
- Make dieting and low-calorie meals easier to stick to.
- Increase your body-confidence – get more attention whilst partying.
- Tons of energy – the power to train harder
So, what are the 10+ active ingredients in Leanbean?
This wouldn’t be a proper Leanbean review without a full look at the formula.
Let’s run through few of the best ingredients:
Konjac Fibre
Clinically proven appetite suppressant. It does the trick by making you feel full after meals and turning off your SNACKING SWITCH.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia has been getting rave reviews recently, it contains citric acid which has been found to make fat loss easier.
Basically, you have a double whammy of two of the best appetite suppressants on the market in one bottle.
Cayenne Pepper
Chilli and Cayenne work to raise your body temperature and get your body storing less calories. It’s a popular alternative to caffeine and is known as one of the safest ingredients for speeding up your metabolism.
Green Coffee Extract
Green coffee beans are Coffee Beans in their cleanest form. The ultimate proof that they work are their popularity amongst professional athletes. This ingredient does include some Caffeine, but this is the good stuff in healthy quantities, just how nature intended it!
For women on birth control large amounts of caffeine can mean side effects.
Turmeric is a metabolism boosting spice that lowers toxins and body imbalance. This antioxidant also has anti-inflammatory properties, properties that impact on your fat cells whilst improving your insulin sensitivity.
Green Tea extract
Green Tea is the perfect ingredient for a female fat burner as it switches on the body’s main fat burning hormone Norepinephrine, it’s also great at killing those carb cravings.
To review the formula in full you can go to the ingredients section on the Leanbean website.
Theres a cool infographic on the trufierce blog about the best pre-workout ingredients.
Leanbean review: Before and after results?
The measure of any good fat burner is what reviews real girls are giving it. NOT some skinny honey on Instagram with a food complex.
Here’s how Laura and Jenny got on after taking Leanbean for just one month!
There’s loads more women making great progress with Leanbean. See them on their official website here.
My personal results with this fat burner?
This is my personal Leanbean review: From time to time I’m guilty of letting my hair down a bit too much. Over the holidays I like a treat just as much as the next person, and after my latest trip I put on around 4 kg in weight.
I recently got four bottles of Leanbean to help me on my post-holiday cut, which means I can give you a first-hand review of this fat burner:
Now a cut for me means a reduced diet and more regular training. I’ve been taking Leanbean 4 times a day, as this is supposed to maximise fat burning over a 24-hour period.
I’ve also found that two Leanbean capsules taken at once gives me an extra boost before a big workout. I don’t drink Coffee but by popping a couple of tablets pre-workout I get a really nice surge of energy.
When I’m doing high intensity work you’ll find me either on the rower or treadmill. I also like to do some CrossFit style weight training to help with toning.
Sometimes my sessions can be pretty heavy going, but with Leanbean I’ve found my energy levels stay higher for longer. I also feel fresher after my training and have stopped having that late-afternoon crash I used to suffer from.
Since starting Leanbean I’ve been finding it easier to stay on clean foods too. Getting back into the swing of it and sticking to your diet can be hard!
Increasing my training and adding Leanbean to my schedule has allowed me to lose weight quicker: around 8 pounds of body-fat after just 5 weeks to be exact!
My abs are starting to show for the first time in ages and I can’t wait to finish the course to see what the final results are. If it carries on at this pace I may not even need to.
Anything they could do better?
No product is completely faultless, Leanbean isn’t any different.
Leanbean is only sold direct and there’s rarely discount codes or coupons on single boxes.
This means it comes with a premium price. However they have a great BUY 3 GET 4TH FREE offer on at the moment. This also includes A FREE WORKOUT GUIDE.
Leanbean are different to many supplement companies in that they also give the protection of a money-back guarantee. One slight quibble would be that this is not available when you buy less than three months.
Having said that I like the fact that you can take the product for longer, burning fat can be hard and this will give you the best opportunity to see a big improvement.
The guarantee means that the manufacturers take the risk so you don’t have to.
Leanbean review: pricing
To recap the main points from this Leanbean review. It was voted the #1 fat burner for women in our recent article and this fat burner supplement will:
- Increase your metabolism which helps you burn fat faster
- Reduce your snacking habits and lower your daily calorie intake.
- Prevent the absorption of fat and finally change your body shape.
- Help you achieve your beach figure without the side effects of high Caffeine
There’s no doubt that a fat burner like Leanbean can get you on the road to building your toned and lean bikini body. It’s worked for thousands of girls and I’ve seen the results for myself.
And there’s nothing like the BUZZ of seeing your body change in front of your eyes, once you see results you’ll be impatient for more. Training and diet are always going to be important, but if you’re sick of slow progress then Leanbean will help you get quicker weight loss results.
For more information visit: Leanbean’s Official Website
Are there jitters with Leanbean?
From this Leanbean review I condludes that the risk of side effects shouldn’t be ignored when buying a fat burner. Fortunately the only chance you’ll see side effects with this dietary supplement is if you get reckless with the dose.
REMEMBER it’s best to stick to using just 4 pills a day. As I mentioned at the top, the makers have intentionally left out a lot of stimulants as many of them can have unpredictable effects.
Will I burn fat faster?
Yes. The ingredients in this dietary supplement will help you burn off more calories. You’ll need to follow the key principles of this blog too though, healthy nutrition and a sensible training schedule.
Do I need to go to the gym to use Leanbean?
You don’t have to but you’re going to be thrilled with results if you do. If you don’t enjoy weights and prefer running or swimming then Leanbean will raise your metabolism and boost the results of these sessions too.
Leanbean amazon? Is it available there?
Unfortunately, NO. It’s only available from their official website.
What makes it more effective for women?
Leanbean uses more appetite suppressants than other fat burners, this is a key part of the product as research proves women snack way more than men. Leanbean is also lower in stimulants making it safer than high Caffeine ‘fat burners’ in the industry. Turmeric and Vitamin B have also been shown to help detoxify the body and reduce fat storage.
Where can I buy Leanbean?
This concludes our Leanbean review, it is only available from the Leanbean official website here. You won’t be able to find discounts or coupons for this product on any other website.
Just purchased leanbean and worried to take it for the 1st time.
Is it best to start off with 2 doses on the first couple of days and then have the full 4 doses going forward?
I agree I am 64 and going to the gym every day but need that extra to help me get back into great shape I would like to see if it has worked on heaver/older women. I went ahead and got 2 bottles so i guess I am in for now — we will see if it works or its just for those skinny girls that need the push to get to the gyn more often
Completely agree