Many of ask ourselves the question : “How to burn more calories throughout each day that goes by?”
Turns out you can burn about 500 more calories each day that goes by without changing your schedule.
If you have a limited amount of time to train everyday you can still follow these steps and burn of that excess fat.
These steps on how to burn more calories are super easy and everyone should be able to follow them!
Do A 12 Minute HIIT or a jog when you wake up.
Can you wake up 12 minutes earlier than usually?
If you can you should do a short 12 minute HIIT workout outside.
It works by sprinting for 1 minute than walking for 1 minute repeated 6 times.
You can also just do a light jog for 12 minutes!
What happens when you do this is that you boost your metabolism and your body will pretty much be burning more calories all day.
You can also do this after work if you don’t like morning workouts or whenever you can spare 12 minutes.
Take the stairs
Another great way to burn more calories is forming a habit where you never take the elevator.
This is especially important if you are working a desk job.
Always take the stairs it will help your body burn more calories and you will get in better shape.
Do 5 Minute Workouts Throughout the day
If you have a busy schedule you still should be able to get at least 2-3 short 5 minute workouts in.
I’m talking about workouts where you won’t be needing any equipment or weight.
You can do walking lunges, step ups or jump rope for 5 minutes in your office or at home.
Just try to get your heart rate up and you will definitely be burning off more calories.
Do this for 2-3 times per day throughout your day.
Eat foods that boost the metabolism
If your metabolism is high you will burn more calories.
That’s why it’s a great idea to eat foods that naturally increase our metabolism.
These foods include:
- Green Tea
- Lean Meats
- Hot Peppers
- Avocado
- Spinach
You can also use a fat burning supplement that is designed to turbocharge your metabolism, block fat production, reduce hunger cravings and burn more calories.
See my recommended fat burning supplements in my article by clicking here.
Cycle or walk to work
If your workplace is nearby your home use a cycle or walk instead of using your car.
You will be saving gas and get a good exercise while you are at it.
Win win right?
You can even listen to an audiobook while you do it.
Final Words:
By following these simple steps on how to burn more calories, you should easily be able to burn off 500 more calories than usually.
This can be a great strategy especially on days you don’t have the time to train.
Remember that many small actions deliver huge results.
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