How overweight women can lose weight.
It’s no secret that many women in today’s society are overweight and out of shape.
There might be a good reason for their condition.
Some women are depressed, are in a toxic relationship, have 3 kids and do not seem to have the time nor energy to get in shape.
The reason why so many women fail in their weight loss journey is very simple.
They want to achieve too much in a short period of time and attempt following a hardcore diet and exercise plan.
What eventually happens is that they crash on their limited diet and go back to their old habits.
So how can overweight women lose weight?
In my personal experience it is better to start out slowly.
In this article I will explain exactly what I mean by that.
Remember that weight loss is not a sprint it is a marathon.
It might take longer for you to lose weight than you originally expected.
That’s ok as long as you do not give up!
Here are the tips on how overweight women can lose weight fast.
How Overweight women can lose weight – Plan
Start a habit of exercising everyday
I’m assuming that most women that are overweight are not exercising everyday.
Start your day off with a 30-60 minute walk everyday.
Don’t think about changing your diet, just eat as you are used to.
Because as I said before most women fail if they try to do too much in a short period of time.
You need to start forming new habits and that can take some time.
It takes about 21 days to form a new habit.
When you have started your day off by walking everyday for 30-60 minutes for 21 days it becomes a habit.
It will be like brushing your teeth, you don’t think about doing it you just do it.
You will probably lose some weight doing this and feel better about yourself.
Cut out unhealthy foods slowly
Once you have formed the habit of exercising everyday you can form a new habit that is going to help you lose weight.
The key is too not go to extremes here.
Let’s say that you eat 3 unhealthy meals per day or drink 4 cans of sugary soda per day.
Simply replace one of your unhealthy meals with a healthy meal for example : chicken breast and brown rice.
(if you don’t know how to choose healthy meals we have plenty of articles on this website that can teach you how to eat right)
You can still eat the other 2 unhealthy meals to start with.
Also, cut down your soda intake to 2 cans per day instead of 4 and drink water instead.
Once you are comfortable by eating more healthy foods you can slowly start switching out your unhealthy meals, candy and sugary drinks with more healthy choices.
This may take some time, so give it as much time as you need.
Just aim to eat healthier with each week that goes by.
Eventually you will be eating healthy meals 90% of the time and unhealthy meals will be rare.
Even though it may take you a long time to form this habit it is definitely worth it.
You will definitely lose some weight in this step.
Take it to the next level
Once you have nailed down the first 2 habits you are definitely in a good spot.
Remember that you can never stop exercising or eating healthy because it will be a risk that you fall back to your old patterns.
The last step is to form a NEW habit once again and take your physique to the next level.
You could start lifting weights, go to a yoga class, start playing a sport or do home workouts.
This is the step that takes you out of “the average section” and puts you into “the great section”
Always be challenging yourself by forming new healthy habits.
This can be anything from drinking 8 glasses of water per day to lifting weights 3 times per week.
Once you have formed this habit you can also consider using a fat burning supplement that helps you burn off more calories.
The truth is that fat burners and other supplements only work if you are exercising and eating healthy.
That’s why I would only suggest using a fat burning supplement once you are at that point where you are exercising daily and eating healthy 90% of the time.
You can see my article on the top 3 fat burners by clicking here.
Final Words:
Remember that weight loss is a journey.
It is not something that only takes you 1 week, it is a lifestyle you have to follow.
Make fitness your lifestyle and you will never be the same again.
It doesn’t matter if you have kids or have a limited amount of time.
Any woman can follow these 3 steps on how overweight women can lose weight and get extraordinary results.
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