There are two main problems women have when it comes down to their physique.
First of the women that are overweight and simply want to lose weight.
Secondly women that are “skinny fat” and need to gain a few pounds to look better.
Turns out women are using these 5 tricks we are about to discuss to get the dream beach body.
So no matter if you are too skinny or too fat you can use these tips to achieve the body of your dreams.
Believe it or not both overweight and skinny women use the same tools to get in shape.
They may not do everything exactly the same but they still can use the same tools to achieve their ideal goal.
In this article we will go over the 5 tricks every woman can use to get toned muscles and a flat belly.
5 Tricks To Get A Beach Body
Body fat % is crucial
Getting toned muscles that show requires only one thing.
It has largely to do with the body fat percentage we have.
You can get toned muscles just by having a low body fat percentage.
If your body fat % is low your muscles will look more toned.
Many women that are skinny still have a high body fat% and that’s why they look very weak and skinny.
We will go in more depth later on in this article how they can fix that problem.
Overweight women have a very high body fat %, that’s why their muscles will not show even though they are big.
The fat is covering the muscles.
Lift Weights
The most effective way to get stronger and more toned muscles is to lift weights.
Lifting weights will not make you look like a muscular hulk.
Women are incapable of building as much muscle as men, that’s why you should never worry about getting “too big”.
Also, it takes years to build that kind of muscle mass that is considered “bulky”
Lifting weights is actually one of the most effective form of exercise to lose fat to.
It makes you stronger, look better and more healthy.
Most of the fittest women on earth that have a bikini body to die for lift weights a few times per week.
In my opinion lifting weights is the best form of exercise to get a sexy bikini body.
I realize that many women don’t know how to lift weights and are clueless when it comes down to choosing which exercises to do.
That’s why I’m giving you girls my step by step workout and nutrition program that is designed to get that bikini body.
[thrive_2step id=’1594′]Click here to access it for free[/thrive_2step]
Keep Your Diet Clean
No matter if your goal is to lose weight or build muscle mass I believe you should always eat clean.
You can even use the diet in my free workout and diet program I’m giving away(see last tip above)
Go with a protein rich diet with low carbs if your goal is to lose fat.
If you need to gain weight simply add some carbs to it diet and you will be all set.
Try to go with healthy foods that don’t make you gain fat.
These include:
- Chicken
- Eggs
- Meats
- Oats
- Brown Rice
- Sweet Potatoes
- Fruit
- Veggies
Base your diet around these foods and you will get results.
Avoid simple carbohydrates such as sugar at all costs.
Our diet determines largely on how much body fat we store.
It’s actually the single most important factor when it comes down to building a bikini body.
Use cardio to burn more calories
Cardio is not only good for burning calories.
It also makes our heart and lungs stronger.
Try do some form of cardio everyday, this can be anything from walking, hiking, cycling, jogging, HIIT or playing sports.
It will boost your metabolism and help you to burn off more calories as well.
Cardio is not only for those that want to lose weight because it helps stimulate food absorption which can be beneficial for those that need to gain pure muscle.
Keep your metabolism high
If our metabolism is high we will burn more calories than if our metabolism was low.
Also if our metabolism is high we can eat more but still lose weight.
So how do we keep our metabolism high?
One of the most effective way to keep the metabolism high is to exercise everyday.
Lift weights and do cardio as often as you are comfortable with.
You can also use a fat burning supplement that is specifically designed to boost the metabolism.
Some fat burners on the market can help reduce hunger cravings, boost the metabolism and block fat production.
That’s why some women use them to get faster results.
I’ve made an article about the best 3 fat burners on the market which you can read by clicking here.
You can get your body fat % tested once a month to see if you are dropping fat.
Also remember that clean diet and exercise are the quickest ways to lose fat and get toned muscles.
Keep your metabolism high by exercising everyday, doing cardio and using a fat burner.
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