So what foods to eat to lose weight?
It’s no secret that some foods are better than others when it comes down to losing weight.
Thats why it is it is really important to base your diet on the foods that help you get results.
Turns out that most women do not focus on eating the best foods to lose weight.
And instead they eat foods that are not necessary going to help them on their weight loss journey.
In this article I will talk about what foods to eat in order to lose weight, I will also discuss why they are better options than most of the other foods available.
Foods To Eat To Lose Weight
Chicken Breast
Chicken or turkey breast is a great food to eat on a fat loss diet.
That’s because it contains no fats or carbs and is a clean source of protein.
100 grams of chicken breast contain about 150 calories and 29 grams of protein.
As you know, protein intake is very important and especially when your goal is to lose weight.
Chicken breasts are very high in protein.
Eggs are great on a weight loss diet because they are high in protein and contain good fats.
1 egg contains about 70 calories.
However they contain also cholesterol.
Which many people are afraid to consume, however it is safe for healthy women to consume up to 3 yolks per day.
So you should definitely include eggs into your diet.
You can also eat egg whites which are simply a pure form of protein.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are one of the best carb sources available.
100 grams of sweet potatoes are only about 80 calories.
They are also referred to as complex carbohydrates which means they are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Brown Rice
Brown rice are similar to sweet potatoes because they are also complex carbohydrates.
They are a great carb source and 100 grams of brown rice contain only about 110 calories.
When you get your carbs from sweet potatoes and rice you do not have to be to concerned about eating too many carbs.
Because they are relatively low in calories, very filling and hard too eat too much of them.
Haddock is a very lean source of protein.
100 grams of haddock contain 25 grams of protein and only about 110 calories.
Its very low in fat and of course contains no calories.
Haddock is also very rich in minerals and vitamins.
Oats are a great carb source and many people choose to eat oatmeal for breakfast.
However if you pour sugar on your oatmeal it obviously is not going to be as good.
You can however add some salt for flavor and it will taste alright.
Oats are high in calories 100 grams of oatmeal are just under 400 calories.
However they also contain a decent amount of protein and little fat.
Most people only need to eat about 25-40 grams of oats to feel full.
A good breakfast would be 25 grams of oats with 3 eggs.
Almost all vegetables are very low in calories and high in minerals and vitamins.
You can literally eat as many veggies as you like without getting fat.
A great strategy is to add 1 cup of mixed vegetables to most of your meals.
They also make you feel satiated and are very healthy.
Bonus Tip
If you really have a hard time losing weight you may want to consider using a fat burning supplement to speed up your results.
That‘s because they help reduce hunger cravings, increase the metabolism and block fat production.
All very beneficial effects for weight loss.
Of course all fat burners are not created equal and some of them simply do not work.
That‘s why I made an article on the top 3 fat burners on the market so you wont spend your money on a product that doesn‘t work.
Final Words
Hope you enjoyed this article on foods to eat to lose
I know for a fact that it is very hard to limit your diet to eating only these foods.
However if you can do it I encourage you to try it out for a week or two.
You will definitely see some weight loss results.
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