So what are the best supplements for women?
Its no secret that the supplement industry has grown significantly in recent years.
Turns out that most supplements are a complete waste of money.
However there are some supplements on the market that work and can definitely help you to get faster results.
In this article I will talk about the best supplements for women and how to choose the right ones without wasting your money.
Best Supplements For Women
Whey Protein
Whey protein can either be really bad or very good.
Most of the times the most cheap option is actually a very bad product.
Do you want to know how to know the difference?
There are 3 kinds of whey protein available.
- Whey protein concentrate is the WORST option of them all, sometimes its only about 35% protein while containing fillers.
- Whey Protein Isolate is a great option, quickly absorbed by the body and is 90%+ protein
- Whey hydrolysate is superior to them all, the absolute best choice, however its also the most expensive one.
- Whey protein blends or “complex” sometimes companies try to fool their customers by selling whey protein “blends”. If it contains for example whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate it is usually 90% concentrate.
The bottom line?
Stick to either whey protein isolate or whey hydrolysate.
See the protein I am using right now by clicking here.
Whey protein will benefit both those who want to build muscle and those who want to lose weight.
Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplements usually called BCAAs can be a good supplement to add to your stack.
As you know protein is made out of amino acids such as BCAAs.
The good thing about BCAAs supplements is that your body receives them immediately when consumed.
BCAAs can be used before or during training to get more energy and prevent muscle breakdown.
They also help to reduce recovery time.
Try to get a product that is not filled with sugars, you can get it in a powder form or in pills.
See my favourite BCAAs supplement by clicking here.
Just make sure your BCAAs supplement contains leucine, isoleucine and valine in generous dosages.
Fat Burners
Fat burners have a bad reputation for a good reason.
Most of them are filled with ineffective ingredients that simply do not work.
However there are available a few effective fat burners that are designed to
- Block fat production
- Reduce hunger cravings
- Burn stored stubborn fat
- Supercharge your metabolism
- Increase thermogenesis
- Burn more calories
You must choose your fat burner wisely, otherwise you risk wasting your money on a product that doesn’t work.
Fat burners are obviously only for women who want to lose weight.
I’ve made a detailed article about the best 3 fat burners on the market which you can see here.
Final Words
The supplement industry is out there for a reason, and if you can cut through all the bullshit you may find supplements that actually work.
But remember that supplements are no magic pills, they only work if you work hard on achieving your goals.
Hope you guys enjoyed this article on the best supplements for women!
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