So what’s the best diet for weight loss?
The most important factor for weight loss is definitely the diet.
Your diet is so important that if it is bad you simply won’t see results, or at least not the results you were hoping for.
It’s no secret that the first step in weight loss is fixing the diet.
Just by eating right, results can be seen even without exercise.
Turns out that most women do not know how to diet correctly, which prevents them from seeing any results.
In this article we will explain the best diet for weight loss and give you helpful tips to get 2x faster results.
I’ll give you an example meal plan at the end of the article you can use or change to your needs.
It definitely takes discipline to follow the best weight loss diet but the results will without a doubt be worth it.
The Best Diet For Weight Loss
Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and broccoli are very low in calories.
They are also very healthy and make us feel more full.
Try to include 1 cup of green leafy vegetables with some of your meals.
They will also help fight hunger cravings.
Eat every 3 hours
There is one reason why I tell my clients to eat every 3 hours even though they may not be hungry.
That’s because you shouldn’t ever get hungry.
When you get hungry you are more likely to eat unhealthy foods in bigger portions.
If you can eat a healthy meal every 3 hours that won’t happen to you.
Eat 3 meals per day that include either: eggs, chicken, meat or fish
It’s no secret that protein is very beneficial for weight loss.
Protein is the building block of muscles and is also a great energy source.
The best protein sources come from fish, chicken, eggs and meat.
Try to include these into at least 3 meals of your day.
That way you make sure you are getting the necessary protein intake necessary to fuel your muscles and promote fat loss.
Structure your meals right
Let’s say you eat chicken breast, some brown rice and a cup of green leafy vegetables for lunch at 12PM.
After 3 hours you might not be so hungry and you could easily go for 2 more hours without a meal.
However you want to get the next meal in after 3 hours, otherwise you might end up getting too hungry and are more likely to eat a large portion of unhealthy foods.
What is very good to do is to get in a small low calorie meal at that time where you don’t feel hungry.
An example could be :
- Almonds, protein shake and a fruit.
- Or 3 pieces of crispbread with cottage cheese and a fruit.
The bottom line?
The meal doesn’t need to be huge, the benefits of the meal is what counts.
You won’t feel as hungry at dinner time and end up eating something you’ll regret later on.
Drink Water
Being well hydrated is very important.
Aim for at least 8 glasses of water each day.
By drinking a lot of water you will eliminate water retention and water can also make us feel full.
Avoid drinking drinks that contain calories.
These include fruit juices, energy drinks and sugary sodas.
They are high in sugar and calories that are only going to make us fat.
Lower Your Carb Intake
Carbs may be beneficial for weight loss if you do not eat too much of them.
Also eat the correct kinds of carbs!
Remember that you don’t need to eat carbs with every meal, it’s ok to take a no carb day once in a while too.
Eliminate sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet and replace them with complex carb sources such as:
- Sweet potatoes
- Brown rice
- Oats
It’s a good idea to consume most of your carbs around your workouts.
That way your body will use them as fuel and not store them as fat.
Increase Your Metabolism
Our metabolism determines how many calories we burn throughout each day.
If you have a faster metabolism you will burn more calories.
Of course the most basic way to keep the metabolism high is to exercise everyday.
Another way is to use a fat burner that is designed to turbocharge the metabolism and block fact production.
You can see the top 3 fat burning supplements here.
If you already have a high metabolism and weight loss is no issue for you than fat burners might not be necessary.
They are not for everyone and definitely not necessary but however they can be beneficial for weight loss.
The best diet for weight loss meal plan Example:
This meal plan may or may not suit you.
However I think it can give you a good idea on how you should structure your diet.
As you know there are many diets out there that work.
This meal plan example here is simply what I think works the best for me and my clients.
(Keep in mind that this is just an example)
- Breakfast 7:30 AM – 3 eggs and a bowl of oatmeal
- Snack Meal :10 :30 AM – Protein shake and a handful of almonds
- Lunch 12:30 PM – Chicken breast, brown rice and a cup of green leafy vegetables.
- Snack Meal 3:30 PM – 3 pieces of crispbread with cottage cheese on top and a fruit
- Dinner 6:30 – A piece of Salmon, 1 cup of green leafy vegetables and sweet potatoes.
- Snack Meal 9:30 – Protein shake and roasted pumpkin seeds.
This is a good example of the best diet for weight loss.
You can definitely use this example and make it fit your specific needs or changing it.
Final Words:
Hope this article has been helpful and I want to thank all of you who have been sharing my articles.
If you have any questions or article topics you want me to cover you can send me a message on the superfit bunny facebook page.
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