Did you know that the belly is probably the hardest area to lose fat?
Many women say that it’s impossible for them to get rid of their big belly.
Or is it?
Turns out most women are doing the wrong things to get rid of belly fat and that you can actually do it quite simply if you follow the right formula.
In this article we will discuss how to get rid of belly fat and the mistakes women make when trying to lose belly fat.
Mistakes Women Make When Trying To Lose Belly Fat
Spot reducing fat
It’s no secret that many women do a lot of crunches in order to lose belly fat.
Does that work?
It makes perfect sense that when you train your stomach area it should burn calories in that area.
Unfortunately spot reduction of fat is not possible by exercise.
No matter how many crunches you do, you won’t lose fat.
Or at least the crunches will not be the factor that makes you lose fat around your stomach area.
It’s alright to do crunches which is a decent exercise but unfortunately it’s not very effective to lose belly fat.
Starving themselves
Some women attempt eating only a few vegetables and fruits per day in order to lose fat.
They may function alright in 2-3 days doing it but eventually this kind of diet leads to a crash.
You cannot sustain this type of diet for a long period of time.
Your body will be underfed, your metabolism slows down, you will feel fatigued and have no energy to go through the day.
Eventually these women go back to their old diet habits and see no results at all.
Counting too much on supplements
Even though many supplements are beneficial and can really help you to see greater results you should not depend on them.
In order for supplements to truly work your diet must be in check.
If your diet is not good you won’t lose fat no matter what supplements you take.
Many women think that by taking one supplement without changing their diet is enough to get results.
This leads to no results and frustration.
That’s why I always say that you should get your eating and training habits in check before looking at the best supplements.
Not pushing hard enough
It almost brings me to tears when women who show up at my gym are wasting their time.
Some of them show up almost everyday but they put very little effort into their workouts.
The gym is more of a social club for them than an actual gym.
You won’t get results by showing up to the gym and do 10 mintues of light cardio and go to 2 machines and do 2 sets of light sets that don’t even make your muscles feel pain.
The gym should be painful, the pain delivers results.
Pushing so hard that you think you cannot do another rep but you still manage to do it.
Running that extra mile when you are out of breath and cannot go any longer.
That’s the kind of work that delivers results.
I sometimes only go to the gym for 30 minutes.
In those 30 minutes I feel like I am in hell because I’m putting so much effort in and pushing past my boundaries.
30 minutes of gym time with high intensity is better than a light 3 hour workout.
Eating too many calories but still training hard
Training hard is not enough.
Your diet must be in check.
If you are eating too many calories you won’t lose fat even though you go to the gym everyday.
That’s why you should get your diet right first!
This is one of the most common mistakes I see women make.
Even though you go to the gym that doesn’t mean you can reward yourself with a piece of cake.
How To Lose Belly Fat
I’ve now covered some of the most common mistakes women make when trying to lose belly fat.
Just by reading that you should get a good idea on what you need to do in order to lose fat.
However, I’m also going to give you a few extra tips to get faster results.
First of I’m giving you my personal step by step diet and training program.
Which you can use to get in shape and lose stubborn belly fat.
[thrive_2step id=’1594′]Click here to access it for free[/thrive_2step]
Secondly I’m going to discuss the things you need to be doing in order to get exceptional results.
I recommend following a high protein diet and cutting your carb intake down.
Eating too many carbohydrates makes us fat and especially eating the wrong types of carbs.
So a diet that’s based on foods like:
- Fish
- Meat
- Chicken
- Eggs
- Beans
- Veggies
- Sweet potatoes
- Fruit
- Oats
- Almonds
If you eat these kind of foods on a daily basis you are well on your way to success.
Then there is training.
Weight lifting is very effective for getting in shape and losing fat.
That’s why I always recommend getting a gym membership if you can, however you don’t need one to lose weight.
Also HIIT cardio.
HIIT has been proven to be one of the most effective form of cardio you can do in order to lose weight and stubborn fat.
It works by sprinting for 1 minute, resting for 1 minute repeated 5-10 times.
If you are successfully able to get your diet right and exercise regularly you may want to consider using a fat burning supplement.
They are designed to increase our metabolism, help us burn more calories, block fat production and reduce hunger cravings.
I’ve made an article on the top 3 fat burners on the market which can see by clicking here.
Final Words
Hope this article has helped you out in someway and that you can use it to achieve your goals.
Remember that consistency is key when it comes down to losing stubborn belly fat.
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