So you want to try the 7 day weight loss diet?
Many women want to kickstart their weight loss journey with a bang.
They want to get rid of as much water weight and fat in the shortest possible time.
Or they are planning on going to the beach and want to look their best.
Either way this article is going to help you out a lot.
I’m going to give you guys my personal go to diet for fast water weight and fat loss you can use any time.
However I do not recommend using this diet for more than 1-2 weeks at a time.
It’s super effective and works fast.
7 Day Weight Loss Diet To Lose 5 Pounds
Obviously it’s close to impossible to lose 5 pounds of fat in 7 days.
That’s actually not what we are attempting here either.
We want to lose at least 5 pounds of water and fat.
Water weight makes us look fat and bloated, that’s why getting rid of it can make a huge difference.
You could possibly lose more than 5 pounds using this diet it’s all individual based.
The key with this diet is to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables and limit your carb intake.
The Diet
- Breakfast 3 scrambled eggs with mixed vegetables.
- Snack Protein shake and a handful of carrots
- Lunch Chicken breast with 1 cup of green leafy vegetables and brown rice.
- Snack Avocado, almonds and a protein shake.
- Dinner Salmon, 1 cup of green leafy vegetables and a sweet potato.
- Snack Strawberries and a low sugar greek yogurt
This is the basic idea of the diet.
Obviously you can change it around a bit, it doesnt have to be exactly like this but try to aim for a similar diet.
I almost forgot to mention that drinking a lot of water will be extremely beneficial when following this diet.
Aim for 1 gallon per day of water and dont drink anything that contains calories.
No carb sodas and coffee are fine.
Obviously this diet is going to work better if you are working out as well.
On days that you are working out you can eat a little bit more of carbs after workouts.
I recommend lifting weights or doing some high intensity workouts such as sprints.
That will make you burn off more calories and you will lose weight quicker.
You can download by step by step training program.
[thrive_2step id=’1594′]Click here to access it for free[/thrive_2step]
As you saw in the diet I like to drink protein shakes in between meals.
That‘s not completely necessary you can replace protein shakes with something else that is high in protein and low in carbs.
For example hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, beef jerky or nuts.
I also recommend using a fat burner while following this diet.
Because fat burners will help you to lose weight faster, lose water weight quicker and block fat production.
You can see my top 3 recommended fat burners in my article by clicking here.
Hope you have a chance to try this 7 day weight loss diet out and get great results.
I also want to remind you that I‘m giving away my step by step training and diet program for free.
[thrive_2step id=’1594′]Click here to access it for free[/thrive_2step]
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